Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE technologypectoral muscles: ARIES: 149 KB | Size: 7.59 inches | Screen Size: 3.2 inches | Libra: 7 oz | Source of electricity: Rechargeable lithium battery
Texas Instruments has been making graphing calculators for a long time and so they are still the best of the best. The latest version of what millennials probably utilized in highschool, the TI-84 Plus CE has a totally backlit color display, is available in a range of colours to pick from, and is light enough to simply fit right into a backpack or purse.
This calculator has every part students need within the classroom: it’s fully equipped with several apps and features for various grades and math levels. One Amazon reviewer said, “This calculator is great for my grandson who is taking calculus and trigonometry as a freshman. Easy to use, understandable and easy to chart.”
What’s more, the battery is rechargeable, so not only do you get monetary savings on continuously replacing batteries, but students can easily remember to charge it similtaneously their phones and smartwatches. Best of all, it’s endorsed by the PSAT, SAT, ACT and AP exams.
Credit : www.zdnet.com