E-readers may be relatively cheap compared to a typical smartphone, but breaking down is still a problem considering how hard it is to find parts for them. Now iFixit has announced that starting today it will be offering OEM replacement parts for certain Kobo e-readers along with detailed instructions on how to install them. The first supported e-book readers are the latest Kobo readers: Kobo Clara Color, Clara BW and Libra Color.
Kobo owners can purchase OEM batteries, motherboards, front and back covers, and screen assemblies for these devices on iFixit’s new Kobo Repair Hub website. iFixit has a detailed installation guide for each part.
The parts and guides don’t mean these will be easy repairs. All three e-readers receive a 6/10 repairability rating from iFixit, and after reading several guides, it looks like it comes down to the biggest enemies of DIY electronics: glue, waterproof films, and clips. I haven’t done many repairs myself, but after taking apart and repairing – and breaking in new ways – a Samsung TV held together with clips, I can say that these repairs require patience and a gentle touch. Hopefully, if this deal covers future Kobo e-readers, the company will make repairing them a little easier.
We’ve asked iFixit for more details on future partnership plans and will update this information if we hear back. All parts are available now, ranging from $29.99 for the front and back covers to $89.99-$129.99 for the screen assembly, depending on model.
Credit : www.theverge.com